Saturday, December 5, 2009
Good Morning
Our Sleepover was so fun. We will have to do it again. Thanks for everyone who came. It was a blast. The Tutu's are still coming along. Hopefully everyone will get theirs soon. Thanks from coming to the sleepover. Hope every one had fun!
Posted by Krista at 12:00 PM 0 comments
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Dance Reminders
Hey Girls,
I want to remind you all to bring your envelopes to dance on wed. Please remind your moms about this. Just say hey mom I need to bring and envelope to dance on wed. do you have one for me. Can't wait to see all of your smiling faces on Wednesday. Keep up the good work and remember that our first performance is on October 8Th. If you have a job please be doing it. We are a team and we need to work together! Keep up the good work!
Posted by Krista at 6:32 PM 0 comments
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Performance Dates
We have just been informed about our performance dates this year. There may be others added into the list but for right now these are the ones planned. So mark your calenders and let the teachers know if you won't be able to make it! As the time comes sooner we will let the girls know what time to be there, hair, make-up etc. Thanks girls you are doing amazing!
8Th of October- First Performance- JV Football game
29Th of October- Cancer Benefit in Idaho Falls
17Th of November- Girls Basketball JV and Varsity
21st of November- Mr. RHS
1st of December- Girls Basketball JV and Varsity it is on a Tuesday night
10Th of December- Boys Basketball game JV and Varsity
29Th of January- Boys Basketball
5Th and 6Th of February- Intermountain Competition (We are just fillers we don't compete)
20Th of February- Dance Festival
Like we said more information will come as the performances come closer. Thanks for all your patience. This year will be great!
Posted by Krista at 6:52 PM 0 comments
Sunday, September 6, 2009
New Year, New Team.
Congrats to everyone who made the team this year! We have lots of new and exciting things this year. The girls can't wait to show off their new dances and are very excited for our performance. We will post those dates later on. Girls please don't forget to bring your binders to class. We will be using those a lot this year. Thanks for supporting and being apart of our big Dance Unlimited Family!
Posted by Krista at 12:12 PM 0 comments