Friday, December 19, 2008


Hey Girls,

Don't forget that we have a practice/party this weekend. The 20Th. You were all assigned to bring something to share. Also don't forget that you need to bring a present to share. No more than $5. The practice will be from 9-12 a.m. You all know when you can leave. Thanks for everything girls. You are all doing so great. Keep growing in your dancing. See you Saturday!!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Our First Performance

Great Job Girls. All of you did awsome at the performance. Keep practicing and working on what you think you need to work on. You all did a wonderful job. Thanks for your all of your help. We will get new dates on here for any new performances or information. Keep Smiling!!

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Performance Dates

Hey Girls! We got the dates for a few of our performances. Some of the games we are not sure what dance we are performing, but we will get that information to you as soon as possible. We are looking forward to a great year. Hope this is a help. Thanks for everything girls!

Fri.- September, 26Th- Varsity Football (Hip Hop Dance) We will have a pizza party at Papa Kelsey's After.

Wed.- October, 1st- JV Football (Hip Hop Dance)

Fri.- November, 21st- JV and Varsity Girls Basketball (Don't Know Which Dance)

Fri.- January, 23rd- JV and Varsity Boys Basketball (Don't Know Which Dance)

Sat.- February, 7Th 6Th- District Festival ( Perform as Fillers- Don't Know Which Dance)